Countdown to









Discovery Bible Studies (DBS)

Discovery Bible Study is a great way for those who are not that familiar with the Bible to get together with others who are also not very familiar with the Bible and discover together what the Bible actually says about who God is and what His plan is for humanity. A DBS is simple in approach and can be done in any setting and with anywhere from 3 to 12 people. For many people, especially those who are down-trodden or poor in spirit, the institution can be very intimidating and create anxiety. We are intentionally simple in approach to our DBS’s in order to make it easy for anyone to discover God through His Word.


Intentional Discipleship Environments (IDE’s)

Our IDE’s, which we offer via our partnership with Disciples Made, Inc., are a great way to connect with others on a deeper level by committing to a more long-term track of pursuing God together. The goal of these environments is that when each participant completes the track, he or she has a deeper understanding of what it means to live daily rhythms of deep and intimate relationship first with Jesus and then with other people in both community and on mission. The tracks below describe the IDE’s we currently offer.

*Trademarked by Disciples Made, Inc.

Followers Made is a transformative, six-month experience that helps participants develop Jesus-like character and begin to discover their unique calling. Grounded in daily spiritual practices, the experience leads people to create long-lasting, life-changing habits. Followers Made also guides the creation of vulnerable, accountable community, as participants learn to support each other on 3- and 12-person levels. Gifts Passion Story and its companion book, Find Your Place, is integrated into Followers Made. Focused on outcomes, Followers Made leverages our app, which helps participants and community leaders track progress, stay connected and encourage one another.

*Trademarked by Disciples Made, Inc.

Missionaries Made is based on the fundamental belief that God is already at work redeeming and restoring all people and all things—and all we need to do is join Him. This experience helps people discover how to join Jesus in blessing the people they live, work, learn and play with. In just over three months, participants start to build habits based on the five rhythms of missionary life: Begin in prayer, Listen and engage, Eat, Serve and Story (BLESS).

*Trademarked by Disciples Made, Inc.

Leaders Made is an intense, focused experience to develop disciples who inspire and guide others along the same path—just as Jesus did. Leaders Made uses the same app tools as Followers Made to enable and track growth. During the 10-month program, participants will read through most of the Bible and strengthen their spiritual habits. They will dive even deeper into their calling exploration to discern where their leadership can make the greatest kingdom impact.

*Trademarked by Disciples Made, Inc.

When people start following the rhythms of missional living, a new community naturally starts to form. What then? The Microchurch Learning Community equips everyday missionaries to launch and lead the extended spiritual families that emerge from open, generous living. Grounded in the Way of the early church, this year-long experience helps participants develop the habits and skills necessary to live in covenant relationship and grow thriving on-mission communities that make the gospel tangible to others. The Microchurch Learning Community transforms personal evangelism from presentations and programs to a vibrant, missionary way of life that will expand your impact exponentially.


We, at the Underground, do believe that the Church comprises the people who have decided to lay their lives down and follow Jesus as opposed to a building. In other words, “Church” is not something we “go to” but rather it is who we are. However, we also believe that rich theology informs community, rhythmic gathering for worship and devotion to the Scripture, and covenant relationship all as vital to being the Church. This is where the microchurch fits into the picture. Our microchurches provide that opportunity to enter into covenant relationship with others who are fully devoted Christ-followers for the purpose of rhythmic living centered around worship of/devotion to Christ, covenant relationship and living out the Missio Dei together in your context! If you are interested in being a part of a microchurch, we can help you find one or start one in your area.


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